Unfortunately, it is not possible to freeze your subscription at any time from within your account. However, if you have a mandatory situation, a 15-day freeze is possible once for each user's subscription. Freezing your subscription depends entirely on Owlscam's seasonal intensity and campaigns. Therefore, if you want to freeze your subscription for essential reasons, you can contact us via support@owlscam.com. During the date we postpone your subscription, any of your lesson hours will not be deleted, but you will not be able to attend classes during this period. If you have frozen your subscription and want to continue your lessons again after, for example, 5 days, you must activate your subscription via e-mail. In this case, we would like to remind you that your membership will be postponed for 5 days. For example: A one-month membership consists of 30 days. A 5-day freeze period will increase your subscription to 35 days. It means.
Any questions? Contact us at support@owlscam.com